has felt fear at some time in their lives, fear of certain things
and people. A normal response of fear is triggered by something
that other people can fully understand to be a cause of fear. If
this cause is removed, then the feeling of fear disappears with
it. By contrast, a phobia typically is a continuous condition with
no apparent cause. People suffering from a phobia are severely limited
in their daily activities. The main symptom of a phobia is a feeling
of fear, but this can also be accompanied by psychosomatic symptoms
such as a racing heart, trembling, restlessness, difficulties in
swallowing, suffocating sensations, failures of perception and thought,
urge to pass water, diarrhoea and nausea. Phobics may experience
veritable attacks of panic for no apparent reason. In some patients,
the state of fear can become chronic.
About 17 per
cent of the population suffer from states of fear or anxiety. According
to experts, this percentage will double in the next 25 years, owing
to causes of a personal nature, but also to political, religious,
social and cultural problems.
Become the ruler
over your fear ! Build your own Empire of Fear and wipe out everything
and everybody that wants to make use of your fears ! You have the
right and you have the power! FEARPOWER!
at June 11, 2003 02:01 PM